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In June 2019, precisely in Nusa Dua - Bali on June 24, the day before the BBTF (Bali & Beyond Travel Fair) began, dozens of Indonesian inbound tours players, seniors and juniors, gathered and sat together in one table discussing and looking for answers about "why the number of foreign tourists coming to Indonesia is still far behind that of foreign tourists coming to neighboring countries?".

Starting and referring to the question, at the end of the discussion on that day, the leaders of the Indonesian inbound tourism had reached a similar opinion, like-minded, and agreed that after all this time it had been overlooked by national tourism stakeholders, now was the time for Inbound Tourism in Indonesia must be handled by an association of players (companies) who specialize and focus their main business on inbound tourism which will become the government's (i.e. the ministry of tourism) equal partner in an effort to gain the main foreign exchange for Indonesia.

This agreement gave the participants the task to begin to design and propose the name of the association, the logo of the association, as well as to draft their Statutes and Bylaws (AD/ART) of the association.

In December 2019, the draft had been pursed with the circulation of the name of the association and its logo draft, as well as the draft Statutes and Bylaws of this association. This month it was agreed by the initiators and other participants to hold a plenary meeting in Jakarta in January 2020
On January 21-22, 2020 gathered a number of initiators, participants of the Bali meeting, as well as other inbound tourism players who were not present in Bali to hold a plenary meeting at the Harris Vertu Hotel in Jakarta. The plenary meeting was held in a marathon with a serious discussion on the improvement of the name and logo of the association as well as the main discussion of the Statutes and Bylaws (AD/ART). At the end of the plenary meeting it was agreed that the name of the association is
iintoa (Indonesian Inbound Tour Operators Association) and the Formulation Team was formed to perfect the Association's Statutes and Bylaws, and determine the notary who would issue the Association's Deed of Establishment.

January 22, 2020 is also agreed as the date of birth of iintoa.

In February 2020, the name - logo - the Statutes and Bylaws (AD / ART) of the association has been established and is planned to be launched in March 2020; but due to the outbreak of the very dangerous Covid-19 pandemic, everything planned was delayed.


Even though we have not officially launched the association, but we have done significant jobs for our members. The latest activity was on 24 August 2020; two of our officials together with 3 of our members visited the parliament house to deliver our message so then the parliament can encourage the government to issue a statement or mention a date for Indonesian border to be opened, either partially or nationally, sooner would be better so tourism business can run again in Covid-19 protocols of new normal.

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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No. 181AB, Tebet

Jakarta Selatan 12860


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