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Why iintoa?

Why should we set up a new association called iintoa, while you knew that there are other existing association that has an inbound tourism field?

The existing association that houses a number of companies doing business in various fields in the tourism industry, especially those related to the sale of travel related services such as inbound tourism, outbound tourism, domestic tourism, pilgrimage tourism, tourism schools, and many more.

To be honest, recognized or not, a few years back, because of the vast and wide scope of its field, the association must divide its focus into all these fields, so that in this case the field of inbound tourism is often overlooked in the sense that it is not specifically addressed and all-out by its board member and administrators.

Establishment of associations with similar professions and focus on just one field is the right of the community to associate, and iintoa as a brand-new association has been explained as mentioned above, accordingly. iintoa never wanted to compete and understate other existing association but instead iintoa wanted to go hand in hand and synergize together, especially in the field of inbound tourism. Let other take care of her homework to protect and supporting their many fields, and iintoa to protect its members who purely do business and focus on handling the field of inbound tourism alone.

iintoa frees its members to become members of any association, including the existing one. What is prohibited, based on iintoa's Statutes and Bylaws (AD/ART), iintoa Administrators are not permitted to become board member or administrators at other similar associations.

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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No. 181AB, Tebet

Jakarta Selatan 12860


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