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What are the plus points (benefits) when joining iintoa?

iintoa membership is limited to Tour Operator companies (BPW = Biro Perjalanan Wisata) which are legal entities and who have carried out their business in bringing foreign tourists to Indonesia. Those tour operators may also runs outbound tourism business, pilgrim tourism and / or other travel related services, it is not a problem, the most important thing is that the company can prove itself that it has also run an inbound tourism business with its own market source, respectively, both large and small scale. For companies in areas outside Java-Bali that are partners and receive an abundance of tourists from Tour Operators who are assigned to them are also allowed to become members of iintoa.

Other benefits 

iintoa membership is limited to Tour Operator companies (BPW = Biro Perjalanan Wisata) which are legal entities and who have carried out their business in bringing foreign tourists to Indonesia. Those tour operators may also runs outbound tourism business, pilgrim tourism and / or other travel related services, it is not a problem, the most important thing is that the company can prove itself that it has also run an inbound tourism business with its own market source, respectively, both large and small scale. For companies in areas outside Java-Bali that are partners and receive an abundance of tourists from Tour Operators who are assigned to them are also allowed to become members of iintoa.


Sharing knowledge is intended through training that will be scheduled by the iintoa board, carried out by seniors, both in class rooms or in the webinar form, that will be scheduled and personal assistance for those in need in the form of informal consultations with seniors who are chosen by themselves for their own activities.


We know that nowadays there are a lot of wild practices that come along and exist, a misconduct in handling foreign tourists whose presence is often unfavorable for Indonesia's image as one of the world-class tourist destinations. Trading that is often made chaotic, unfair competition, slamming prices, monopolistic practices, individual businesses that are not incorporated, etc. etc.  The presence of iintoa as an equal partner of the government is expected to be a "think-tanker" of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in issuing various policies in regulating trade system and healthy promotion, as well as the company's existence in the field of inbound tourism.


Online trading transaction or e-commerce in Indonesia have a bright future and marketplace is one of the biggest players in Indonesia’s e-commerce business. So far, tourism in the country does not have a marketplace owned by the Indonesian enterprise who directly help and fully support the inbound tour operators in Indonesia.

iintoa has established the latest synergy with ITDP (Indonesia Tourism Digital Platform) a platform managed by PT Telkom. ITDP gives privileges to iintoa members who initially are inbound-tour-players to become suppliers to market and sell their respective products. For those who want to market and sell domestic-tours, iintoa has also been in synergy with TravelBiz; another tourism digital platform company for domestic tours. The benefits of its member who are using the marketplace that their products can be link with other overseas marketplace because both ITDP and TravelBiz are API (application programing interface) ready which defines interactions between multiple software intermediaries.

Both ITDP and TravelBiz give flexibilities to small teams representing iintoa to become qualified curators for tour operators to become supplier of ITDP or TravelBiz.

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Ambhara Building

Jl. Dr. Saharjo No. 181AB, Tebet

Jakarta Selatan 12860


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